Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Where art thou, O' Farve?

Dear Friends and Family,

I may be wearing my most unusual hat, thanks to our friends the Meulbroeks. Tom, the leader of their Pack, happens to be a diehard Packers fan, so he sent me the Cheesehead hat that is frequently worn in Green Bay by the faithful.

The question is: What will happen to the Packers this year? Are their glory days past as Farve has gone the way of Lambeau, Lombardi and Starr?

Or is Farve secretly negotiating a comeback with the Packers, proving that the recent flirtations with their dreaded Viking neighbors was just a warm-up act?

The Cheeseheads can only dream. . .

Go Colts,


1 comment:

  1. So, if I send you a New England Patriot's Hat, would I get a picture of you wearing it? :)
